World Breastfeeding Week: To choose breast feeding or pumping?
A mother's breast milk supports immune responses in her newborn, it also decrease the risk of infections, malnourishment, allergies, and other.

New Delhi : A mother's breast milk supports immune responses in her newborn till six months, further decreasing the risk of infections, malnourishment, allergies, and other complications.
However, one of the key challenges in this aspect is that lactating mothers often don't get ample maternity leave. Therefore, they push themselves to store breast milk and feed it to the child later.
Breast pumps are quickly gaining admiration in this regard. In fact, Khushboo Mehra, a working mother of 8-month old Adya, opted to go for breast pumping instead of breastfeeding as she had time shortage and was suffering from breast infection.
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"Breast pumping is the best thing ever because it gives you the freedom to do your job and have a life. I was sceptical of trying breast pump at first as I had skin infection around my breast area but once I started using it with my gynaecologist suggestion I realised there is no such danger that comes with breast pumping.
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In fact, the process is really easy," said Khushboo. To make this cumbersome process easier and safe, lactating mothers must keep a few points on their fingertips."The breast pumps need to be sterile and breast pumping should be a 'zero contact' process, i.e. any part of the pump that comes in contact with the breast milk should be away from any human touch", recommended Dr.Ranjana Becon Consultant gynaecologist, Columbia Asia Ghaziabad.
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Another expert added "No additional financial costs are required for breastfeeding. It is very convenient as there is no need to find clean water, heat formula or pack bottles. The more your baby is breastfed, the more milk will be produced ensuring that the baby has enough milk," said Dr Anibha Pandey, Pediatrician, Apollo Cradle.
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However, breastfeeding is not easy. During breastfeeding, a woman has to go through cracked, sore, and even infected nipples. But what about children who can't be breastfed due to various reasons? For such children manual pump or electric pump is like a boon through which they can also consume mother's nourishing milk.
Therefore, there is no right choice between breastfeeding and breast pumpinge Breastfeding directly is the most hygienic, sterile and best for the baby. Whereas, pumped milk is the easiest yet a hassle-free option in a case where the mother finds herself incapable of feeding her newborn. It's all about the new mother's convenience. (ANI)