UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath directs all Ministers, public servants to declare their assets
The Chief Minister has directed all Ministers and officers to make public declaration of all movable and immovable property of themselves within next three months. More on Dynamite News:

Lucknow: With the zero tolerance policy on corruption, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has directed all his Ministers, IAS, IPS and PCS officers and their family members to declare their assets.
The Chief Minister said in a cabinet meeting that cleanliness of conduct of public representatives was very important for a healthy democracy. According to this spirit, all the Ministers should make public declaration of all movable and immovable property of themselves and their family members within a period of next three months after taking oath.
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"All public servants IAS/PCS should make public declaration of all movable/immovable property of themselves and family members. This details should be made available on the online portal for the perusal of the general public,”said Yogi.
The Chief Minister made it clear that all Ministers should ensure that there is no interference by their family members in government work. "We have to set an example by our conduct.”
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"Now is the time to make this action plan a reality. All the Ministers should guide the departmental officers. Ensure quality and timeliness in projects. Under the guidance of Prime Minister, all of us will have to mobilize our lives to fulfill the resolution of Antyodaya," Adityanath said.