Trying to conceive? Shed those extra kilos first
You may want to sweat off those extra kilos before conceiving as according to a recent study, going into your pregnancy overweight means you could be putting your baby's health at risk.

Washington: You may want to sweat off those extra kilos before conceiving as according to a recent study, going into your pregnancy overweight means you could be putting your baby's health at risk.
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According to studies found that compared with children of normal weight mothers, children whose mothers were overweight or obese prior to pregnancy had 17% and 51% increased risks for compromised neurodevelopmental outcomes, respectively.
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Pre-pregnancy obesity was linked with a 62% increased risk of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a 36% increased risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder, a 58% increased risk of developmental delay, and a 42% increased risk of emotional/behavioral problems.
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"Like avoiding smoking during pregnancy, this review of over 40 articles suggests that maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy may also be important to a child's brain development," said senior author Bernard Fuemmeler of the Virginia Commonwealth University. (ANI)