Dynamite News 9th Anniversary: Contemplation and discussion on Media; Veterans express opinions

DN Bureau

On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of Dynamite News, a grand event was organized on Wednesday at the historic Constitution Club of India in the national capital Delhi. The symposium hosted on this occasion was attended by eminent personalities of the country. Full story:

Grand celebrations in Delhi on the 9th anniversary of Dynamite News
Grand celebrations in Delhi on the 9th anniversary of Dynamite News

New Delhi: The grand stage full of diversity set up on Wednesday at the Constitution Club of India in the national capital New Delhi on the occasion of the 9th Anniversary of Dynamite News will always be remembered in the media world. On this special occasion, contemplation and discussion was done on the current situation of the government, media, and journalists where eminent people expressed their frank opinions on the state and direction of Media.

Besides, MPs and leaders of BJP, Congress, Samajwadi Party and other Parties, prominent bureaucrats, famous legal experts and jurists, industrialists, educationists, social workers, media personnel, eminent personalities from various fields including sports were present on this stage of Dynamite News.

On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of Dynamite News, eminent personalities from different fields of the country were present in a grand ceremony organized in Delhi, which also included politicians from different parties, despite the differences in political ideology, all the eminent personalities eulogised Dynamite News for its diverse and unbiased coverage of news and discussed extensively on the challenges faced by the contemporary Media.

Besides, several personalities associated with the four pillars of democracy. - legislature, executive, judiciary and media -, a large number of readers and viewers of Dynamite News, as well as many common people were in attendance in the program.

The program was inaugurated with the Lamp Lighting. Dynamite News Chairperson Rani Tibrewal welcomed all the guests in the program by giving them bouquets.

Dynamite News Founder and Editor-in-Chief Manoj Tibrewal Aakash presented mementoes to all the guests who attended the ceremony and welcomed one and all who graced the program.

Senior Editor of Dynamite News Subhash Raturi extended a vote of thanks.

The program was attended by Dynamite News Consulting Editor Ved Prakash and all other team members including Sujata Biswal, Rohit Goyal, Jai Singh, Dharmika Talwar, Kuldeep Rajoura, Suraj Mishra, Gaurav Kumar, Akhil Singhal, Gaurav Semwal, Suraj Kumar, Pawan Roy, Anurag Srivastava, Ghanshyam Saraf among others.

The program was conducted by Rajani Sen.

Inauguration of Dynamite News Mumbai Bureau
On this exclusive occasion, the country's leading industrialist and BJP MP from Kurukshetra Naveen Jindal also virtually inaugurated the Mumbai Bureau office of Dynamite News at the Constitution Club of India.

Dynamite News Mumbai correspondent was also present. Naveen Jindal also interacted online with the Dynamite News team in the Mumbai Bureau. On this occasion, the packed hall echoed with thunderous applause.

Naveen Jindal congratulated and wished Dynamite News for its continuous expansion in the country. He said that Dynamite News has become synonymous with the credibility of news in the country.

Naveen Jindal
Veteran industrialist and BJP MP from Kurukshetra Naveen Jindal, who graced the 9th anniversary celebrations of Dynamite News as the Guest of Honour, said that Dynamite News has earned a great name in a very short time and has achieved a high position.

He said that until news does not appear on Dynamite News, we feel that it is not news at all. He himself also believes in any news only after watching Dynamite News. This shows the credibility of Dynamite News. He said that the first condition of any news is its credibility and in this case Manoj Tibrewal Aakash and his Dynamite News have no match. He urged Dynamite News to always maintain the same credibility of its news and wished Dynamite News a bright future.

Before addressing from the stage, Naveen Jindal virtually inaugurated the Mumbai office of Dynamite News.

He said that he was busy in an important polo match and as soon as the match was over, he got down from the horse and reached the program of Dynamite News directly. This shows his immense love for Dynamite News.

Lahar Singh Siroya
Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader and MP Lahar Singh Siroya said that he is very grateful to Dynamite News for the opportunity given by Dynamite News to share the stage with stalwarts from different parties, political ideologies and different fields. He thanked Dynamite News for providing such an opportunity.

He said that today the responsibility of the media has increased a lot among the four pillars of democracy. I am happy that Dynamite News is fulfilling this responsibility very well.

Justice has become very expensive in the country
He said that today justice has become very expensive in the country. Common man faces a lot of problems in getting justice. When there is oppression on the common man, he will go to the media.

Today media is available to everyone. Many corruptions have come to light because of the media. Big crimes which were hidden, have come out because of the media. Today the common people have faith in the media.

Congress government deserves congratulations
He said that the RTI Act was brought in the Congress government led by Dr Manmohan Singh. For this, Congress, Dr Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi really deserve congratulations. Due to RTI, many big cases related to corruption were exposed. Now the government should ensure the safety of RTI workers.

Also Read | Dynamite News 9th Anniversary Celebration: Grand Program In Delhi Today; Veterans In attendance

He said that being an MP, 'I also appeal to all the politicians to take care of the common people'. He said that the money that the government spends on MPs should be fully utilized in public interest.

Dharmendra Yadav, Lok Sabha MP
Samajwadi Party youth leader and Lok Sabha MP from Azamgarh Dharmendra Yadav said that our national president Akhilesh Yadav was supposed to be present at this celebration of the 9th anniversary of Dynamite News but he could not come here today due to his attending the swearing-in ceremony of the 10th elected government in Jammu and Kashmir. We want Dynamite News to organize another such grand event on the occasion of the winter session of Parliament, in which all of us including the SP Chief gather in large numbers.

Dynamite News 9th Anniversary inaugurated with the Lamp Lighting

Dharmendra Yadav congratulated the entire Dynamite News team including Manoj Tibrewal Aakash on the 9th anniversary and said that such celebrations of Dynamite News should always be organized. He said that Manoj Tibrewal Aakash, coming from a remote district of UP, Maharajganj, has brought fame to himself and Dynamite News in Delhi and the entire country. Manoj and the team of Dynamite News deserve congratulations for the identity that Dynamite News has created for itself for unbiased journalism.

Undeclared emergency on media
He said that the challenges facing mainstream unbiased journalism and journalists are increasing in the country today, which is a matter of concern. He said that it is good that digital media has come to the fore now. With the advent of digital media, people's voices are reaching the right platform.

After the media exposed many truths, many big changes have also taken place in the country. But now, since 2014, a kind of undeclared emergency is going on for the media, which is not in the interest of the country and society.

He said that the ideology from which we have emerged and what Netaji has taught us is that read your criticism in the media. Whatever mistake is there, correct it. But today, some people are trying to shut the mouth of the media to hide their blunders.

Laws after laws are being brought. But now, on the basis of the mandate given by the people, I want to assure the media that no law that shuts the mouth of the media will be passed by the Parliament, 'I can say this with full responsibility'.

Dynamite News founder Manoj Tibrewal Aakash addressing the audience

Dharmendra Yadav said that today we have the opportunity to congratulate Dynamite News and on this occasion we also have the opportunity to think about the media.

We have to think that if we restrict the media then how will the truth come out. Whatever struggle we have to do for the media, democracy and constitution of the country, we socialists will keep doing it.

Manoj Tibrewal Aakash presenting the Memento to Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Senior Advocate, Supreme Court

Shallu Jindal
While addressing the program, famous industrialist, educationist, philanthropist and Chancellor of OP Jindal University, Shallu Jindal said that the job of journalists is to tell stories and tell the truth. Stories basically connect human society. Our great tradition has been to connect the society through stories and through this many important issues have been highlighted.

Renowned jurist Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi meeting with the guests at the programme

People have lost faith in the media
Shallu Jindal said that today our society needs such true storytellers and journalists who give voice to the voiceless people of the society and understand the meaning of what is happening around us. A strong media is required for a healthy democracy. In recent times, the media is under stress due to misinformation and explosion of information. It seems that people have lost faith in the media. Earlier we used to have complete faith in the media and looked at media as a mission rather than a profession.

Sushil Kumar Tibrewal, who was a Minister in the Uttar Pradesh government, welcomed Abhishek Manu Singhvi with a bouquet

Dynamite News will give direction to the future of journalism
Now we all should do our best to restore the prestige of the media. Today we need an unbiased media that can tell us stories without fear or any bias. I think a media institution like Dynamite News is an institution that will show the 'mirror' to the government and give direction to the future journalism.

SP MP Dharmendra Yadav, BJP MP Naveen Jindal, Manoj Tibrewal Aakash and other dignitaries on the dias

Trustworthiness of Dynamite News
We have started Journalism and Communication in OP Jindal University in 2017, where we are known for providing high quality education to the students. But it is important for us to be accurate, to be unbiased and to understand what is important. Trust in media is the most important. We have absolute trust on Manoj Tibrewal Aakash and on the credibility of Dynamite News. Naveen ji also believes in any news only when he sees it on Dynamite News. Thank you very much for inviting me on this platform.

BJP MP Naveen Jindal with former UP Minister Sushil Kumar Tibrewal, senior journalist Manoj Tibrewal, Rani Tibrewal and others

Dr SY Quraishi
While addressing the function, former Chief Election Commissioner of India, and former Director General of Doordarshan, Dr SY Quraishi said that I have known Manoj since the time he was a part of Doordarshan. His questions, his scripts and his talks were very balanced. He has never been biased. This is the reason that people from different parties and different areas are sitting on this platform. People of every ideology and class like him.

The hall was packed with the audience at the Dynamite News Ceremony

India's position worrisome in Freedom of Press
Dr SY Quraishi made a shocking revelation on this occasion and said that India's position in Freedom of Press is quite worrisome. He said that on Google search it was found that India ranks 159 out of 180 countries in terms of Freedom of Press, whereas 11 years ago our rank was 79. The reason for this fall in the ranking are the anchors and spokespersons who shout every evening on media channels.

Dynamite News Consulting Editor Ved Prakash (3rd from left) and other dignitaries at the event

He said that as SP MP Dharmendra Yadav said that preparations are underway to bring some Bills regarding media. According to that, it can be said that in the coming time, we are not far from 180th rank in terms of freedom of press. This is very serious and worrisome for the largest democracy.

Training of commissioners of 134 countries
Regarding Indian democracy, he said that our country has voters equal to 90 countries of the world. The world looks at our democracy with great respect. When I was the Chief Election Commissioner, we had established India International Institute of Democracy in Election Management in the Election Commission. The government of that time strongly opposed it. You will be happy to know that in 11 years of this institution, commissioners of 134 countries have undergone training here.

Guests at the dias

He said that India is dreaming of becoming a 'Vishwa Guru'. It is a good thing, it should become and should also dream. We have become Vishwa Guru in the matter of elections. 134 countries have taken training from us for elections. We have voters equal to 90 countries. Our voting here is smooth, without any violence. There are some talks about EVMs. Here 1.5 crore government employees are engaged in elections and conduct them successfully. In such a situation, if we stoop so low in the matter of freedom of speech, then it should be seriously considered.

Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi
The country's renowned jurist, legal expert, senior advocate of Supreme Court and four-time MP Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi graced the occasion of Dynamite News 9th Anniversary celebrations as the Chief Guest and with his exclusive address compelled everyone to think afresh on the contemporary state and direction of media.

Hall was packed with guests

Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi said that when Dynamite News was launched 9 years ago, I was present in that program and in the same sequence, I feel proud to be here today. He said that starting anything, maintaining it and bringing continuity in it is not easy. I have always seen a lot of positivity and optimism in Manoj. This is the reason why today Dynamite News is moving ahead continuously.

He presented a couplet in the context of Manoj Tibrewal Aakash and said -

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Who says that there cannot be a hole in the sky

Just throw a stone with all your might, friends

He said that when we talk about the state of the contemporary press, we should keep in mind that the press may face more internal threats than external ones. External threats include censorship, governments etc. If the press should fear the most, then it should be from those internal organs which are not worthy of being called the press today. Dr Abhishek Manu Singhvi said that someone mentioned 'godi' Media. This is not about our democracy, republic, human rights. This is not about the judiciary either. This is a basic matter of ambition, sometimes greed and sometimes fear.

A large number of people at the Dynamite News Celebrations

He said that the term 'godi media' first came into existence because of British writer and novelist Sherlock Holmes. When Sherlock Holmes went to investigate a case, he asked his partner about the people there whether they were watch dogs but he got the answer that no, they were lap dogs. Lap dogs do not bark. This is where the term 'godi media' came into existence. The great legal expert Dr Singhvi also said on this occasion that the press may be called the fourth pillar. It is given the status of the fourth pillar but it is not mentioned in the law books. There is only talk of three pillars - legislature, executive and judiciary. This fourth pillar has been formed on its own. This fourth organ has not been created by the Constitution. The word press has not been used in the article on freedom of expression of our Constitution. But it has still been given the status of the fourth organ, because it works as the fourth organ. In such a situation, if the internal parts of the fourth pillar do this, then there will be a national danger. Unless you walk with your torch and your responsibility, the press has no right to be called the fourth pillar.

Lok Sabha MP Dharmendra Yadav addressing the guests

He said that Advani ji had said in the emergency that when people were asked to bend they crawled. His words proved to be true for many years after the emergency. This thing also applies to many such classes and people who need to bend. He said that I started my career with visual media but today I see a tremendous cocktail of media.

This is much more than a party or a liquor cocktail. This cocktail is made every evening by screaming biased anchors, screaming panelists and pre-selected participants. Here there are people with one-sided opinions. Here it is about who can abuse how much. However, there has been a partial decline in print media as compared to visual media. Today media needs introspection. An attempt is made to know the intentions of 135, 140-45 crore people of this country through 20-30 thousand meters. For this, Nobel Prize should be given that you decide the intentions of the viewers. He said that media advertisements are decided on the basis of all this. What content is served to you is decided by the advertiser and the TRP person decides the advertiser. What to serve and what to show in a country of about 150 crore people is decided by the TRP person. Dr Singhvi said that today social media has made a tremendous inroad. Its importance has increased.

Senior Advocate Supreme Court Abhishek Manu Singhvi addressing the audience

I am talking only about social media. Because OTT is also included in entertainment media. A big reason for the growth of social media is that it is comparatively much more fearless, bold and independent than traditional media. Many people take social media for granted. Some time ago, I had many interviews on social media. Surprisingly, my first interview on social media got 9 crore views. But it was number 4 in the country. The one that was number 1 at that time had 13 crore views. Social media is also a matter of extreme caution. Caution because it also gives a signal to traditional media to be careful, which includes both visual and print. It tells visual and print that you have fallen a lot and if you fall, your existence will be wiped out. But this warning is also for social media. This is a warning of responsibility. There is no limit in social media too, which prevents it from doing wrong. If it has any limit, then it is your conscience, your balance and your dignity.

This is just the beginning of social media. If AI is added to this, then no one can even imagine what the limits and possibilities of doing perverted work can be. In this context, if someone says that we should file a defamation petition, then there is no justification or answer for it. Because the law of defamation is strict in our country but its implementation is very weak. Sarcastically, he said that this is only if you are not in the government. If you are in the government, then the law of defamation will be implemented soon. Therefore, along with your success in the form of social media, you also have a responsibility and it is very important for you to understand that responsibility. Dynamite News is also a big part of social media. There is a lot of scope for you in it. That is why I talked about social media here.

Senior Editor Subhash Raturi extending a vote of thanks

Dr Singhvi further said in his address that I am proud to be an Indian. I am an Indian citizen. But I am not anti-national. I am an advocate, politician or anything else later. I am an Indian citizen first and like all of you, I want India to become a superpower. I also believe and have faith in the world's largest democracy. I also have full faith in the world's largest constitution. He said that here my friend Quraishi presented a figure of Press Freedom Index 2024, in which our position is 159 out of 180. In this I want to add another worrying thing, which is related to the safety of journalists in the country. This is also the second part of the same Press Freedom Index, which is related to the safety of journalists and their working ecosystem. In this, India's number is 172 out of 180, which is a big alarm bell for us. This figure shows that the journalist who strongly, honestly, independently and truthfully puts forward his views is in danger.

India's journalists are in the top eight points of danger out of 180, which is a matter of serious concern for the world's largest democracy i.e. India. Statistics show that in 2023-24, 103 journalists in the country were targeted by state actors. While more than 90 journalists were targeted by non-state actors. Journalists often get caught in sedition cases too. In mid-2021, such a statement was also recorded in the Supreme Court. Between 2014 and 2022, the number of journalists arrested in sedition cases increased tremendously and trials also saw a speed-up.

BJP MP Naveen Jindal and SP MP Dharmendra Yadav on the dias of Dynamite News

Manoj Kumar Agarwal, Additional Chief Secretary, West Bengal
Addressing the program as a Guest of Honour, senior IAS officer and Additional Chief Secretary, Government of West Bengal, Manoj Kumar Agarwal said that 'I was also present on the occasion of the beginning of Dynamite News 9 years ago. Its journey started from a small office. Today it has many bureau offices and correspondents across the country.

Senior IAS Manoj Kumar Agarwal and renowned industrialist, educationist Shallu Jindal on the Dynamite News dias

The journey of Dynamite News has turned into a huge caravan today.' He expressed hope that Dynamite News will be established as a big TV channel in the next two-four years. Sharing his experience, he said that 'I see that many big stories are carried on Dynamite News before the national channel. Many big political news including bureaucracy, national affairs come first on Dynamite News, which is its biggest USP. Manoj is a person who meets everyone. He believes in taking the society along. I hope that under Manoj's leadership, the scope of Dynamite News will be bigger and it will progress by leaps and bounds.'

Senior IAS officer Manoj Kumar Agarwal expressing his views

Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, Former Union Minister, Government of India
Former Union Minister, Government of India and former Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank sent his best wishes to Dynamite News on its 9th anniversary through a video message. In his video message sent from Devbhoomi Uttarakhand, he said that 'I am happy to know that today Dynamite News is going to complete 9 years of its journey.

The journey of 9 years of Dynamite News has been dignified and full of struggles. Dynamite News has built its credibility in these 9 years and has also made a place in the hearts of the people. I am very happy on the occasion of this 9-year celebration of Dynamite News.'

Former Chief Election Commissioner of India and former DG Doordarshan SY Quraishi addressing the guests

Nishank said that definitely the credibility of Dynamite News has also increased and it has also become popular among the people. 'I hope Dynamite News will spread throughout the country and the world while maintaining its dignity. It will become more popular across the country and the world.'

Dynamite News Editor-in-Chief Manoj Tibrewal Aakash and Chairperson Rani Tibrewal presented the Mementoes to the Guests

Milind Deora, Former Union Minister, Government of India
Former Union Minister and MP from Maharashtra Milind Murli Deora congratulated Dynamite News on its 9th anniversary through a video message. He said that the Election Commission announced elections in Maharashtra, due to which he could not be physically present at the Dynamite News function, so 'I am joining through virtual medium.' He said that the virtual medium is more difficult than traditional media.

Manoj Tibrewal Aakash presenting the Memento to Manoj Kumar Agarwal, senior IAS and Additional Chief Secretary, Govt of West Bengal

He said that 9 years ago, Dynamite News chose the difficult medium of 'virtual and online media' to reach the news to the common people of the country and the world. Today Dynamite News has registered its strong and powerful presence everywhere. Whether it is Twitter, YouTube, Instagram or any other platform on social media, Dynamite News has a strong presence everywhere.

On the dias (from R) Dynamite News Chairperson Rani Tibrewal, BJP MP Lahar Singh Siroya, former Chief Election Commissioner and former Director General of Doordarshan SY Qureshi 

He said that he has known Manoj Tibrewal for many years. Manoj does journalism with great responsibility. Under the leadership of Manoj, Dynamite News follows journalism with utmost seriousness, understanding, honesty and authenticity and delivers news to the people of the country and the world. 'Heartiest congratulations to Dynamite News on its 9th anniversary.'

Dynamite News team at the program

Dignitaries that were present
Entrepreneur and senior social worker SK Tijarawala, active in the media sector for three decades; Pawan Rai; Additional Secretary, Ministry of Education, Government of India and senior IAS of Tamil Nadu Anand Patil; Chancellor of Subharti University and senior IAS Stuti Narayan Kakkar; senior IAS Bhagwan Shankar; senior social worker Nora Mishra; Director of Spic Macay Rashmi Malik; Kshama Tiwari; senior IIS officer Sitashu Kar; senior IIS officer Istar Kar; Editor-in-Chief of One India News Channel Anurag Chaddha; Director Program of Doordarshan Raman Hitkari; senior health correspondent Nitendra Singh; senior journalist Ruby Kumari; senior journalist Pankaj Pandey; senior journalist of Zee News Ashok Raj; former Minister of Uttar Pradesh government Sushil Kumar Tibrewal; former Speaker of Uttar Pradesh Assembly and BJP MLA Fateh Bahadur Singh; BJP MP Anil Agarwal; former Chairman of Steel Authority of India Limited SK Rungta; Director of SAARC University Dr OP Yadav; Senior Doordarshan anchor Lalchand Singh; DD News journalist Diwakar Dubey; Supreme Court Advocate and senior human rights activist Om Prakash Vyas; Professor Dr Saroj Vyas; Supreme Court Advocate Shubham Kulshreshtha; Advocate Sukun Kumar Chandel; senior Congress leader and social worker Major Dalbir Singh; well-known chartered accountant Vikas Singhi; Uttar Pradesh Principal Secretary (Justice) SK Pandey; Puja; Saif Wajjani of Fox & Mandal; Supreme Court Advocate Kunal Mimani; Advocate Kartikeya Bhatt; Tej Pratap; Pradeep Agarwal, Dhanbad; Sanjeev Parihar, Hyderabad; Raj Padiyar, Mumbai; Mrs Roma Agarwal; Yogesh Kumar; Gaurav Raghuvanshi; Anurag Srivastava, Lucknow; senior social worker Sudarshan Pandey; Satyajit Yadav; senior Samajwadi Party leader Sunil Singh; youth leader of Amethi Jaisingh Pratap Yadav; well-known neurosurgeon, Safdarjung Hospital Dr Atul Agarwal; Rahul Singh; Manoj Gadiya; Lok Sabha Director K Srinivasan; industrialist Shailendra Luthra; Satish Sharma, PIB; well-known educationist Sangeet Kedia; Bharat Saharawat; Dharamvir Singh associated with the sports organization; Harsh Saraiwala; senior journalist Akash Dwivedi; Supreme Court lawyer Pushkar Tiwari; Gaurav Fitkariwala, and Sarvesh Kumar among others.


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