From Birth to Death Certificates: Soon All Will Require One-page Form

DN Bureau
New Delhi/ 25Dec.
On the ‘good governance day’ today, the Centre Government has announced that the applications for majority of services like birth or death certificates will soon be simplified. All applications will be converted into one-page form format. To start with, the Government unveiled a single-page application form for pensioners.

Plan to be executed within a year
Currently, there are different forms for different schemes. And almost all forms are voluminous. The plan is to convert all multi-page forms to single page within a year. To start with, the government released one page application form for pension. The form will ask for relevant and minimum information only. 

Every month two Govt. dept.
Every month meetings will be held with at least two central government departments for reviewing forms available for different services under them and converting them into one page. Soon, State and Union Territories will be asked to replicate the process. 

Plan to integrate Aadhaar no. with Govt. services
After integration of Aadhaar data base for services, people will not have to fill out whole details. However, it will be possible only when all the people have Aadhaar numbers.