Dangers of Modern Technology

New Delhi/ 6 March 2016. As we walk up the ladder of this forever progressive and advancing life we realize that besides providing us with everyday luxuries, increasing modern technology has also become a serious threat to human beings.
With such modernization more and more people are getting swayed and engaged with latest technology. Not only youth of the country but adults also are falling into this trap.
Due to this digital waterfall people are falling prey to loneliness and depression. Children no longer spend time outdoors or engage with other kids which results in poor social skills and less physical exercise ultimately leading to obesity.
There is no time left for absorption, reflection, assessment and interpretation of real life interactions.
Excessive use and dependence on technology creates multiple problems for people of various ages. In brief some of them are:
Safety Issues for Teenagers:
Young people are often given the advice of posting only after thinking twice. Posting pictures online and content on social media often proves to be dangerous for youngsters. The pictures and content may be used by hackers in an immoral way by projecting the person in an indecent light. With the growing rate of cybercrimes all over the world it becomes important for parents and teachers to keep a check on what content is been shared by youngsters.
Permanent Written Records:
Anything and everything posted on the internet is a matter of public record and hence one should think twice about the information posted. Many firms and industries go through your Facebook accounts, Twitter handles and LinkedIn profiles before hiring you for a job. Keeping such a scenario in mind, one should only post relevant information as it could affect future job possibilities.
In addition, any information that goes on the web is permanently fixed there, no matter how many times a person tries to delete it. Cyber space is proving to be a highly suspicious and dangerous place for people; hence a double check is required.
Loss of human Interaction:
At times people tend to say things on social networking sites that they might have wanted to say in person. Hence, due to modern technology people-to-people contact has diminished. A lot of people begin losing the general ability to initiate conversations which earlier use to come naturally.
With the advent of technology, people have started spending more on different applications and latest technology, though this has made things easier and convenient but surely not advantageous. Technology further enables us to spend even more through online shopping.
Using technology for extended periods of times is also addictive. Teenagers tend to contribute more of their time to watching television or playing with other gadgets rather than studying or exercising. Besides consuming their productive time, this also causes a lot of strain on their eyes and proves to be extremely contagious.