The immense power of self-control

DN Bureau
New Delhi/ 15 June 2016.
Self-control is the capability to control our feelings and actions in every situation. It makes us disciplined and tolerant. It assists people to increase their self-respect and helps them in building goodwill in the society.

On the other hand, absence of self-control leads to indiscipline, violent behaviour, laziness and much more. It may damage the overall personality of an individual.  


Therefore to bring a positive change in our life, practicing self-control is necessary. 

Dynamite News brings you some key steps that may help you develop self-control:



Believe in yourself
Your religious faith can be of great help here. If you really believe that the creator loves you and cares for you, it is easier to respect yourself and to believe in yourself.


Work out your plan 
Whether it is passing of examination or curbing of a bad habit, face the thing squarely and make reasonable plans. Don’t be either too ambitious at first, or too elaborate. Make reasonable plans. Make only reasonable demands on yourself so that you can win your first battle. 



Begin everyday positively

As one emerges into consciousness at the beginning of the day, it is imperative to appreciate your own self esteem. If you begin the day in excellent trim, you are much more likely to come to the end of it with satisfaction.


If you have a fall, pick yourself up
Take a lesson from Robert Bruce’s spider. Hold a cheerful inquest on the fall, make any adjustment that are necessary and begin again with good heart. 


If you have an accident with your self-control, don’t give yourself time to become defeatist and morose. Start again right away. 


As you learn from experience, your faith in yourself will grow and you will win right through to self-control. The point of your greatest weakness in the past will now become the point of your greatest strength. 


Wish you a high self- confidence.